was born in Tehran, Iran on the 12th day of Amordad of 1322
(Iranian calendar), corresponding to the 3rd of August
1943. The love for painting started from my childhood. The
encouragement of the dear teachers at Ohadi primary school guided me
into seeing better and painting more. My secondary education was
passed at Darolfonoon high school in Tehran, which is one of the
culture and art centers and is a memorial of the knowledge and art
lovers who lived in this territory. It was there that the eagerness of
drawing and the love for painting persuaded me to work harder and I
set up my first painting exhibition along with friends at the
foregoing school in 1959.
After obtaining my
diploma in the natural sciences, I planned to travel to Europe for the
purpose of gaining more experience and familiarity with the
European’s artistic views, which I had become familiar with through
reading art books and magazines and watching artistic films and
exhibitions. The problems with military service as well as the
continuation of my studies in university obstructed the way and, after
a few years, this passenger of the way of art was honored to receive a
bachelor’s degree in financial affairs and after that, painting,
working and building a family and… life continues:
"God's man plans ahead, not knowing the destiny,
not alike are the plan and the God's destiny"
After many years of artistic life beside the non-artistic material, I have never allowed the flow of life to stop me from artistic efforts
and I thank god for granting me the required determination to pass
through this difficult path with love and fondness. Although
"passing this stage was not possible without the companionship of
Elias (Spiritual leader)."
In this passage, to enhance my soul and spirit, I benefited from the
kindness of the creator of beauties, revolving in the vast arena of
existence and learning from the passengers of the way and the masters
of knowledge, and to get prepared for showing and implementing my
perceptions and insights, I looked deeply into the part and whole. I
passed all shapes, colors, shadows and lights before my eyes and
deeply researched into the works of the world’s past and
contemporary painters and read and drew different styles and methods.
I enjoyed the kind and graceful assistance of my parents and sincere
relatives who were very fond of art, and benefited from the patronage
of the contemporary masters of art such as Resam Arjangi, Mahmoud
Oulia, Houshang Peyman and Mansour Abedini. After
years of love, bearing, work and prowl, I reached the point where the
lover of virtue and truth says:
"Though heart researched a lot in this arena,
did not understand a bit, yet split
Thousands of
suns shone inside of my heart,
at last couldn’t reach to the perfection of a part"
My paintings are
mostly inspired by nature, cultural heritage, people’s living
environment and sentimental selections, which were done in various
styles by oil paint and acrylic, using brush and palette knife.
So far, the paintings have participated in
national and some
international exhibitions
due to the
kindness of enthusiastic
friends, media
cultural and artistic
have been
noticed and
both verbally and
in writing. To further acquaint
people with
my paintings, a
number of albums
over 60 postcards
have been
from my
artwork. To thank God’s
mercy and as the tradition
of the past, it has
been many years

I have
teaching what
I have
and experienced
to interested
among whom,
succeeded in passing
stages of progression
with hard work and
have successfully set up
exhibitions both in Iran and abroad. Many years have come and passed
during which I saw and drew from inside and out, and the outcome of
these years, which have been drawn mostly on canvas, are in possession
of the art lovers in Iran and other parts of the world. Today’s
people know me with the presented works. There are still, however,
many unseen drawings and feelings and inspirations yet to be drawn,
which, I hope to materialize upon gaining the time and strength from
the symbol of beauties. From the beginning to the end, I thank the God
who created the art, my kind parents, my dear wife and children who
provided me with the opportunity to work, my respected masters, my
students who are full of sense and art and all of those who helped and
accompanied me in this way.
With love and friendship,
Alireza Sadaghdar |